Daffodils Hand-Tied Bouquet

Daffodils Hand-Tied Bouquet


Each flower is carefully hand-tied to ensure a harmonious arrangement that radiates positivity and renewal. With its refreshing and lively appeal, this bouquet becomes a focal point for any celebration or a heartwarming gift for someone special.

Availability: 2 in stock SKU: 34763-002 Categories: , , Tag:
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The Daffodils Hand-Tied Bouquet is a delightful arrangement featuring the beauty of fresh daffodil blooms elegantly gathered and tied together by hand. This charming bouquet adds a touch of springtime cheer with its vibrant colors, making it a perfect gift or a lovely addition to brighten up any space. Enjoy the simple elegance of daffodils artfully bundled for a graceful and cheerful floral display.

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